So, if the dutty wine wasn't extreme enough for you kids, and you're craving some more "break neck" action, Brazil has got a treat in store for you!
That's right! Now you can get a woman to beat you to death with her ass, and it's not even illegal, but yet me killing a stripper with a tire iron is somehow considered bad. Go figure.
Suffice it to say that I am perplexed as to how this dance was even conceived by the "Tequileiras Do Funk", loosely translated as "Crazy f****** bitches", who are the reported originators of the Butt Barrage.
I'm still wondering if someone woke up in the morning and decided to bang her vagina against some guy's face in a random act of assault and battery and then think "Oh, this would be a GREAT dance move"? It doesn't even look like it's fun for the male since the girl is treating it like a martial arts take down. I keep waiting for the referee to signal that she's won the match and for some paramedics to take him away.
However, judging from this video, the guys seem to be having bloody loads of fun, especially the old african man, who seems to want to impregnate the dancer through two layers of spandex.
Not that it would be particularly difficult.
All the same, it's almost creepy how much fun he's having, literally spelunking in her buttcheeks when she rubs against his face. I hope she had diarrhea.
The girl responds by literally pile driving his testicles with her ass, probably now considered Brazil's weapon of ass destruction. Ha ha.
You better laugh. >: [
If it's any consolation though, at least she didn't rip off one of his testicles and try to f****** eat it, like a scantily dressed, female Mike Tyson. Kudos to that guy for being either the biggest pussy in the universe, or being the f****** Dalai Lama himself, because he went "meh" and carried on with his life.
Seriously though, if a chick literally yoinked off one of your nuts and tried to pop it into her mouth like, well, a sugared almond wouldn't you go batshit on her and maybe rip her heart out and try to eat it?
I know I sure as hell would.
F*** it, I'd cut off her tits, attach a chinstrap and wear em as a hat.
Niron just admit you'd like some chick to bash her ass in your face. Geez.