Here's another entry for Niron's list of unnecessary inventions, since people don't seem to want to quit making absolutely retarded things out of some sort of deluded sense of altruism. Kinda makes me wonder if half the world's population has LSD in their water supply and nobody wanted to tell me.
Now, an anti-rape condom may seem like a good idea, in theory, but that's all it is. Theory.
Any brain addled chimpanzee can see that after the first few incidences of this working any competent rapist will take preventative measures against the "Rape-aXe". A slightly less brain addled chimpanzee will be able to tell that some of the possible repercussions would be worse than the problem we started out with in the first place.
In fact, here are some probable scenarios:
1. The patented "Rape -o- Meter" - Can be made easily at home using a stick, stop sign, shovel or a convenient phallically shaped cactus. Now you can check for anti-rape devices by jamming a broom handle in the victim and removing the device. After the preliminary check, rape proceeds as planned. Now every rape victim gets violated with an inanimate object first!
2. The Violent Consequence -The rapist, upon discovering the vaginal venus flytrap attached to his breeding apparatus proceeds to beat the victim to death with the nearest miniature canoe, and then abandons the scene. Now every rape victim gets violently punished for wearing the device. Possibly with a Rape-Axe. Heh.
3.The Misleading Bitch - Misuses the product for personal reasons, possibly by luring men with promise of consensual sex, then threatening them with the prospect of calling in a rape when the device takes hold. See #2 for possible ramifications.
Now in addition to these gross oversights the designer claims that the use of this device will definitely lead to an arrest since the rapist would need medical assistance to remove the device. However, one look at that piece of Taiwanese trash leads me to believe that any retard with a pair of scissors could free his schlong from it's silicon oppressor with the utmost of ease.
Aren't South Africans just so adorable when they try to contribute to society? D'aww.