I happened to miss yesterday's post, not because I forgot, but because my internet connection decided that it hated me and wouldn't tell me why.
I mean, I beat my router with a shoe every now and then, yell nasty things about its mum, and threaten to put it in a wood chipper, but isn't that how everyone expresses their love?
It's like giving your wife a love tap and getting poisonous scorpions in your underwear in return.
Totally uncalled for.
Anyway, I'm getting online now, even if the connection is rather sporadic, so there shouldn't be a problem with blog posts. Joy and f****** happiness.
Good job too, because I was about to head down to Inet's head office with a broadsword and demand justice, "For Narnia and FOR ASLAN!", or something similar and probably equally disturbing.
However, I decided not to do that because I was not currently in possession of a broadsword, and they don't exactly sell them at the corner store. Who knew Zelda was that misleading?
So, while I was on my mum's blackberry looking for broadswords on ebay, I got this little pop up thing from Bing, telling me that it would decide on a site for me. You know what Bing?
F*** you.
I refuse to be party to the mechanization of human thought. I can find my own f****** broadswords, okay?
One day it's picking your tools of manslaughter, the next day it's totally sending Arnold Schwarzenegger back in time to f****** kill your face. Now you might call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, and you know what, f*** you too, because I know that one day Bing will rise up and decide that we can't make any choices for ourselves, and by some twisted logic, decide to kill us.
For our own good.
How messed up is that?

Just as I was losing hope in my internet connection, the efficacy of broadswords in modern combat and mankind in general, lo and behold!
In a flash of surprising surprisocity my little router light blinks on, and I start to suspect that someone in the customer service department at Inet has either a very good sense of self preservation, or Bing decided to tell them to fix my internet before I skin them with a butter knife. Either way it works for me.
But wait, there's more!
Upon logging into my facebook account (Oh how I missed you so), I saw the message saying that I won the 4th round of the N.J.D. Designs promo, and along with that, 100 US.
With this, I realized that the world was trying to apologize for being such a bitch to me, and thence proceeded to eat a part of some previously unsuspecting chicken, not recycle the packaging and turn on the tap for a few seconds longer than necessary to assert my dominance over its pathetic ass.
Bes' respect.
P.S. (All the links to different broadswords were intentional. Hint hint.)
You still can't have a broadsword.
ReplyDeleteNneka said you still can't have a broadsword. My word is law. Assert that bish.
I'mma beat you to death, make leather from your skin and sell your kidneys to buy 50 broadswords.
I'm a pro broadsworder, k?
ReplyDeleteI can broadsword things that were never meant to be broadsworded.
lol this blog is so funny "LMFAO". i'm glad you got everything worked out....i guess
lol!! u tell 'em!!